61 C Diff with Emily Rittershaus

As you may have heard, Tig was quite ill recently. The technical name of her ailment is Clostridium Difficile, or C Diff for short. And it’s a bastard. It is a type of bacterial strain, that left unchecked, can run rampant and is responsible for over 14,000 deaths per year. How does it spread? How do you get it? Or avoid getting it? Is it like a cat in a hamster ball? We brought back one of our favorite guests, Emily Rittershaus – a PhD student at the UMass Medical School, to give us all the answers. Listen now at earwolf.com

We also referenced this article with some C Diff facts:

2 thoughts on “61 C Diff with Emily Rittershaus”

  1. The world is a better place with Kyle and his embarassing stories. The opening convo about Kyle parting his butt clumps to silently pass wind and using his girlfriend’s couch as a fart muffler…priceless. “Thanks big brother!” LMAO!

    One of the best things ever on any podcast ever.

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