63 Romantic Relationships

This week we delve into the world of relationships with a discussion about those of the romantic nature. Tig shares some health news, and we talk about dating, girls, and all the things related that you’ve come to expect from Professor Blastoff. Listen now at earwolf.com

4 thoughts on “63 Romantic Relationships”

  1. I hope all works out with Tig’s health issues. It was heartbreaking and frustrating to listen to; I can’t even imagine how awful it must be to go through the year she’s been having.

  2. Can one of you post an update on how Tig is doing? Please don’t leave us in the dark on her well-being.

  3. Sending lots of love your way, Tig. You’re truly inspiring. Going straight back into the hatch after getting that diagnosis took a lot of guts. With strength like that, the cancer doesn’t have a chance in the world.

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