66 Psychological Projection with Amy Schumer

This week we invited our friend Amy Schumer into the hatch to discuss Psychological Projection. What exactly does that term mean? Do you project your own insecurities and frustrations out on other people? Can it sometimes be a good thing? Listen in on the discussion now at earwolf.com

3 thoughts on “66 Psychological Projection with Amy Schumer”

  1. David David David, you must not take a break from the podcast while everyone else is having fun in NY. And when I say “fun” I mean Not Fun.

    The podcast would absolutely not be the same without you. Will you stay if I whine enough?

  2. I would listen to an entire hour of Donald Trump and Bill Maher — Kyle makes me laugh out loud (for real, in public not LOL) every podcast. Love, love, love.

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