69 Astral projection with Cody Skully

This week we had our good friend and recording engineer, the nephew of R.L. Blastoff, Cody Skully join our conversation while he recorded it, and we discussed Astral Projection. What is it? Can you take yourself out among the stars? Can you leave your body? Will people think you’re crazy? We had a lot of questions, and Cody was a great guest. Listen to it now at earwolf.com

We also played this clip:

3 thoughts on “69 Astral projection with Cody Skully”

  1. Blast Blastofferson

    Yet another episode where somebody is actually talking about sleep paralysis, but doesn’t know what sleep paralysis is. This has gotta be the 4th episode at least where that has happened – I wish I’d kept track of them.

    Google “sleep paralysis”, Blastronauts!

    Episode suggestion – Sleep Paralysis. Please! Very interesting stuff!

    In other news, here are some Tig sounds that I have used to modify my computer’s sound theme. For example, the sprint sound (doioioioing) plays when I remove a flash drive. Go to getyourproductonline dot com /tigsounds and get them

    I will send eleventy-one dollars to support your podcast when this economy stops kicking me in the nuts! My enjoyment of my other favorite podcasts literally fell, after I found yours. You’re very funny, you guys. A hundred vorpal sword attacks to your stupid cancer, Tig!

  2. Poor, Aaron lol. We all want to hear Aaron do an episode by his lonesome. The World needs to experience that. Also…Aaron, Disneyland = crying from laughing so hard.

    You’re amazing, Aaron!

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