85 Resolutions

This week we talked about starting out a new year …or more accurately – we talked about making resolutions. Why do you need to wait until the beginning of a year, or week? Can you just start any time? Are the beneficial? How do you make them and make them work? And are we really actually ever changing that much? Hear all these answers and more at earwolf.com

We also played these clips:

2 thoughts on “85 Resolutions”

  1. maaaaaaddddnessss

    I thought the clips were ace this week – Nice one Aaron! very useful messages taken from this episode too – and as always a good laugh! Wohooooooooooo, Go PB!!

  2. So…I might have used this clip to motivate my 8th grade students. I also might have posed the question, “So, do you feel like you are making progress in English class?” to an oppositional student serving detention. I figured I’d try for a breakthrough while he was serving time. He answered, “I don’t know.” I then asked him when his dad was picking him up.

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