Episode 15 – Childhood Obesity

Our guest was the highly informative Mohamed Hassanein, a pHD student studying genetics at USC. We talked about glucose and fructose, the way they are stored in the body, and how smoking and never eating was effective in making Tig a child with a washboard stomach. Kyle helped us remember some of the more difficult subject matter by regaling us with one of his riddles.

Mo, as we call him, also referred us to the NY Times article: http://www.nytimes.com/2011/04/17/magazine/mag-17Sugar-t.html?_r=1&ref=magazine&src=me&pagewanted=all

We played these clips:

3 thoughts on “Episode 15 – Childhood Obesity”

  1. LOVED this episode. You should have this guy on again.
    I’d love to know what he/most academics considers a normal or healthy lifestyle..
    For instance, is he in favor of eating meat? Or dairy? Also, he’s not saying fruit is bad, right? Even though it’s full of fructose.. does the good in fruit outweigh the sugar?
    Perhaps an episode on health or aging? Just a thought.

  2. I’ve been enjoying the podcast for a while and starting going back and listening to the archives. This episode was such a disappointment. I wish you had gotten beyond implications that fat=lazy, bad, and stupid and that “eat less and exercise” is the end all be all weight management. If that was it we wouldn’t have people getting PhDs in the field.

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