Author name: admin

71 Wealth with Richard Bowen, CPA

Finances in the hatch can get tight from time to time, and we were curious as to just what exactly wealth is. How do you attain it? How do you define it? What is the obsession with it? We didn’t know any of the answers, so we invited in a Certified Public Accountant, Richard Bowen, to talk with us about all of that. Listen now at

We also played this clip:

70 The Apocalypse with Jen Kirkman

This week we wanted to talk about the idea of the earth abruptly ending. Will there be four horsemen? Will there be pandemonium and chaos? And how would it be caused? We didn’t know any of the answers, so we invited in the wonderful Jen Kirkman to share her thoughts on the subject with us. Listen now at

We also played this clip:

69 Astral projection with Cody Skully

This week we had our good friend and recording engineer, the nephew of R.L. Blastoff, Cody Skully join our conversation while he recorded it, and we discussed Astral Projection. What is it? Can you take yourself out among the stars? Can you leave your body? Will people think you’re crazy? We had a lot of questions, and Cody was a great guest. Listen to it now at

We also played this clip:

68 Feminism With Sascha Cohen

This week we invited our friend Sascha Cohen, who has a degree in gender studies and is getting her PhD in American History, to come into the hatch and discuss feminism. What is feminism? How have views about it changed? Find out the answers to all this and much more at

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