Author name: admin

39 Free For All:NTK

This week we decided to break from the normal structure and just chat about whatever popped into our heads. A veritable free-for-all where your guess is as good as anyone’s about where the conversation will go. What does NTK stand for? How do nooses and otters fit in? What does it all mean? Find out now at

We played some clips, courtesy of Aaron, but you’ll have to find them on your own. Sorry.

38 Altruism with Alex Pratt

This week we invited our old friend Dr. Alex Pratt back into the hatch to discuss Altruism. What is altruism? Is it possible to perform a completely selfless act? Are humans the only species that engage in altruism? And what is nuts? Find out now at

We also played segments from this video:

37 Global Sustainability with Steven Yates

This week we invited a loyal listener and environmental engineer from Connecticut, Steven Yates – a Green Circle Award winner – into the hatch to discuss Global Sustainability. Just how long can we expect to get along with this planet? Will there be enough room to keep expanding at our current rate? Find out this and more at

We also played these clips:


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