Author name: admin

32 Power with Aurora Nibley

This week we invite Aurora Nibley into the hatch to discuss “Power”. She runs a weekly blog called, and she was able to help us decide how good we would be at running things. Find out now at

We also played this clip:

And David brought up this clip he was unable to find. James B. was nice enough to pass it along:

31 Fear

This week we discussed the idea of fear. How does it apply to our lives? How do we overcome it? Lauren Malhoit called in to give us a firsthand account of being in a plane crash. Hear it now at

Here is a link to the story of Lauren’s crash:

We also played these clips:

30 “Gratitude”

This week we discuss the notion of gratitude and why it’s important to give thanks. What are we thankful for? Why? And was Kyle molested as a child? Listen now at

We also played this clip:

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